Sunday, September 12, 2010

Week 3 Reflection

Reflect on what you learned about creating community in your classroom from our visitor, Sylvia Allan.

Can I just say that I have a mentor! Sylvia is phenomenal! Words cannot describe how I felt when class was done last week. I didn't want it to end. I have never been so shocked and motivated at the same time. If I ever thought that morning meetings weren't needed she changed that! Thank you so much Dr. Anderson for inviting Sylvia to our class. It is so important to see that she came up through this program and what she has created. I wish that she was still teaching in a classroom and I could just come in and watch her and never stop taking notes. How Sylvia carries herself immediately made me feel like I was in the presence of an unstoppable force. Every time I leave differentiation I feel like I am empowered. Classroom community can make or break your year. You really have the ability to create a family and change students lives. Giving them a voice and time express themselves in a safe environment you empower them. Classroom meetings are a great way to celebrate our individuality and grow together as a class. Never doubt that you can be an instrument of change to a student. Being a teacher is a privilege and with it comes great responsibilities. I feel like a gained a firm foundation of how to set up morning meetings in my future classroom. I have gained so many fun and creative ideas from Sylvia that I can't wait to implement and test out. She really brought the future to life for me. We discussed many tough issues that most people would stray from but I needed to hear. I think that when you decide to go into teaching you think about all the great memories you had while in school. Now that I am in my senior year I realize that it isn't always roses and that the thorns are what test you every day. You dictate the flow or temperature of your classroom and how you handle situations will define you as a teacher. Every day that I go to school I am more excited to be a part of this amazing profession. I feel like a huge reform or change will happen in the education in the near future and I can't wait to jump in and be a part of that change. I will give a voice to the students of our nation and create an equal education opportunity by incorporating all that I have learned from my time at UVU. I hope the world is prepared for Miss Nazzal because I am fueled and ready to be the best teacher I can be.

1 comment:

  1. Look out world because you are about to change for the better!!! Thanks for risking to share how I made you feel when I told you were off task and really you were not. Keeping 33 students focused is a daunting task.
