Monday, September 6, 2010

Week 2 Reflection

Question: On page 22, Tomlinson says, “The truth is, we will never really do all each child needs us to do.” Later on this page she says, “The point is not to entertain guilt. The point is to relentlessly seize the remarkable opportunity of a teacher to shape lives – to do the best we can to ensure that we are better at reaching children today than yesterday, better at it this year than last.”

Answer: I LOVED reading this chapter! I was inspired and challenged. As a new teacher I feel like this is the scariest concept to undertake. How do you give each student individualized attention? Basically you become Wonder Woman! I do everything in my life with my whole heart and of course that would not change in teaching. However it is a daunting task and I needed to hear the words of Tomlinson to know that it is going to be okay. There is never going to be enough time in the day, week, month, or even year to meet every student's needs but you know what I am sure up for the challenge. You have to know that going into your first day. Teachers have the ability to change lives. I was blessed with amazing teachers and professors throughout my education career and I view my choice to become a teacher as a huge honor. I can't wait to teach my future students and I can't wait to learn from them. Education is a give and take relationship and if you are able to facilitate that in your classroom that is a good start. I plan on looking at each child as a whole person not merely a number or name on the class roll. They come into school everyday with a story and it is your job to know where they stand so you are able to help them reach their potential. However I need to learn that I can't change or control every aspect of their lives. They come to class with needs that I may never be able to meet but what I can do is give them a safe zone to learn in. Guilt is a tricky emotion, you need to acknowledge it in your life but I like to blow past it and move on! I don't like to have regrets and when you are teaching you have to understand that you have to fill every minute of the teaching day. You can't go back all you can do is evaluate and change what didn't work. I love that we are finally learning how to differentiate and incorporate it into our future classrooms!

1 comment:

  1. It IS going to be okay and we don't need to be flooded with guilt.
